Progress and Procrastination!

Well at last I feel as if I’m making progress with my sewing room!  As a side note I’m beginning to feel like it should have a sexier name now it’s here but no idea what - the sew haven, sewtopia, sew snug...hmm, nothing sounds quite right (suggestions on a postcard please).

The room was cleared, cleaned and I’d managed to persuade my hubby to help me relocate the furniture from upstairs (basically thrown down the stairs, argh, but at least down!) and I’d set everything up according to my carefully considered paper plan. It was at that point that I stupidly decided to do a Google search on best sewing room layouts **cue lost hours on Pinterest looking at layouts in spaces much larger than mine, feeling like I’d missed a trick somehow, then lots of moving said furniture around about 10 times until I realise that, actually, my first carefully planned out layout was in fact the best** Procrastination at it’s best! 

So now the furniture was in place, now it was time to work out the storage - a bit more paper planning later and bish, bash, bosh (or bodge if you’ve seen me wielding a drill and screwdriver ha ha) it was all put on the wall. As I needed a few more wall storage solutions than I’d been able to buy during my liveLagom shopping trip I decided a bit more upcycling / digging out stuff I’d never used from the gersinter / diy was in order.

Now, the crafty bits are easy enough, but when it comes to woodwork I would usually have asked my Dad to help me out - Daaaaaddddd could you just make me something like this **holds up Pinterest photo on phone, big grin** - but now he’s gone, I thought I’d give it a go myself, after all he’s not around to tell me quite how rubbish it is!!  To coin his usual phrase to imply that something wasn’t quite up to standard, ah well it’s only a country job! So with it only being a ‘country job’ in mind, I set about planning out my diy thread holder. I raided Dad’s stash of wood and borrowed a few tools, took it home and set to work. Every cut is wonky, a lot of the drilled holes are slanted (and I had to abandon one lot after drilling all the way through, oops) but I did it and it works so I’m a little bit proud of that, and I think Dad would have ripped the p*ss out of me for it, but would have thought it was not bad for me!

I’d shared a few photos of my diy storage on Facebook and had a couple of requests for instructions, so thought I’d write a separate blog post about that - click here to go to that if you’re interested.  Don’t bother if you’re not - unless you’re into thread, you’re not missing much.

So now, furniture in, storage up, itching to make something - so of course I now spend days sorting out buttons, ribbons, fabric, odds and ends and searching for patterns of things I might make. For some reason I feel I’ve got to get everything sorted and finished before I can start making anything - not sure if it’s my inner perfectionist coming out or my fear of starting taking hold. Just as I was getting comfortable sorting all the tiniest boxes of bits and bobs out and not seeing an end just yet, my procrastination was brought to a sudden end - I needed a pillow case for my toddler’s new pillow, and it was needed today! Well at least my organisation paid off, within half an hour I’d found the fabric from my stash, got the thread and whipped up a perfect little pillow case! Sewing room cherry popped and proof my planning worked - double win, yay!! Now to keep going and start working through the list of things I’ve promised others and myself I’d make, watch this space...


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